Sunday, October 7, 2012

Openening a window..

Hello peeps, welcome to my first blog post..

I've been following blogs for a few years now for inspiration and I finally decided to start my own. Don't really know where to start, and I'm not gonna lie I'm a little nervous. It's like a having a sneak peak into my journal or something.. but outta comfort I guess I'll just start things off with a laugh!

Here's a photograph of my pumpkin creations from last years Halloween. Meet The Squashingtons. Not sure what I'll create or carve this year (these were super easy), made from all different kinds of squashes, and even better when the holiday was over I got to turn each one into something tasty to eat! Considering that I'm vegan, it did feel a little strange when I would slowly kidnap each one off the shelf to cook, almost like eating one of my children or something. Just adds to the creepiness of the holiday!

My intention with this blog is to inspire other artists as well. Whether thru words, music, photography, yoga (my day job is teaching yoga), poetry, vegan cooking, traveling, fashion, or just "jaw dropping can't believe she just posted that" humor!! But please be patient as I'm just now learning how to blog design, so sorry if my page is kinda raw.

 I've had a love hate relationship with Facebook over the past few months, where I've become "friends" with quite a few people who I would call maybe more so acquaintances (love to all of you regardless). Sometimes I feel like expressing whats really on my mind, and that little angel on shoulder whispers, "I wouldn't say that if I were you.." There's a new option (I say new because just using a computer alone is new to me) where you can "group" your friends and have certain posts go only to certain "groups." I just don't wanna have anymore resistance on what I'm feeling in the moment to express, so now I blog. It's perfect because you have to choose to visit my blog, and this way you don't fall victim anymore to hear what I have to say like you would on Facebook's posting page.

Any who that's enough bashing on FB for today,  whoever you are who's checked out my page, just wanna say thanks! I don't know how often I'll be posting on here but I'm excited I just took the first step.

Love, A

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